What essential equipment do you need as a window cleaner?
To be a window cleaner, you have a few pieces of essential equipment necessary to do your job. It’s always true that for any type of business, some tools will be required. Thankfully, the number of items needed as window cleaner isn’t going to break the bank.
The squeegee
The squeegee is essential for a cleaner to wipe water from a channel that’s up to 14-inches wide (depending on the size of the product). They’re designed to break down into multiple parts and often just a few of the parts can be bought without needing to replace everything when the first one gets worn out.
A glass scraper is deployed when dirt is stuck to a window and cannot be cleaned or scrubbed another way. This includes caked on dirt and dried paint too. There’s a right and a wrong way to use a glass scraper so as not to scratch the underlying glass, so it would be wise to get some practice in.
Scrapers have blade inserts. These come in packs of five or ten. A scraper comes fitted with a blade out of the packet, so the blade inserts are replacements for when the original blade gets bent or damaged.
A T-bar is designed to add water and detergent and then apply it to the window. The T-bar is often made of plastic, but the sleeve is softer and will need replacing every so often. Along with the T-bar, you’ll need a cleaning solution for the windows and access to water. Bring a microfiber cloth for wipe downs too.

A ladder is vital to get up the side of the wall to clean the windows above the ground floor. It needs to be top quality as it will be holding you at a height safely – there can be no room for error! Consider spend that little bit more to get a better ladder than you think you’ll need. Also, pay attention to the weight of it.
A triple ladder is a useful one to look for. One section can usually be removed to get the ladder through narrow hallways or alleyways around the side of a building or home. However, with it fitted on, you can get up higher as well. A step ladder or a set of steps is also essential.
(A roof rack fitted to your vehicle and a way to secure the ladder to the roof safely. Wearing gloves for the colder months isn’t a bad idea either!)
Here at Browns, we pride ourselves on supplying top quality ladder equipment and have 65 years of experience in the trade, making us the perfect one-stop shop for a wide range of roof ladders and stepladders, which you can browse right here on our site!