Don’t forget your kitchen step ladders this festive season!

With the festive season well under swing, we thought we’d take the opportunity to remind you of one easy-to-use and versatile piece of equipment you’re going to want on hand as Christmas approaches. Bonus points: you’ve probably already got one lying around the house! It is, of course, the humble kitchen step ladder! But why are kitchen step ladders so useful to have at Christmas – and how can you make the most of yours over the next couple of weeks?
Hanging up decorations / Putting them away
We hope by now that you’ve already managed to hang up your Christmas decorations – but on the off chance that you’ve left it to the very last minute, this one’s for you. Instead of climbing onto your sofa, coffee table or another piece of furniture to help you get the fairy on the top of your tree, save yourself the risk of injury and dig out the kitchen step ladder.
Likewise, when the time comes to taking the decorations down and getting them back into storage, we recommend using a sturdy and reliable kitchen step ladder to make the job easier!
Getting your hands on the festive treats you’ve stored
If you’re anything like us here at Browns, you’ll be familiar with having to clamber onto the kitchen worktops and manoeuvring your way up to grab the festive treats you’ve stored on top of the kitchen units over the last couple of months.
Whether it’s the fancy biscuits that are strictly out-of-bound until Christmas Day or a gift you’ve been trying to hide from a family member, don’t risk falling and injuring yourself while you secure the goods. Instead, get out the kitchen step ladder!
Changing lightbulbs
It’s natural to see your electricity usage increase slightly in December due to the long, dark nights, along with the fact that many of us are at home from work and school. This can mean that you’re more likely to need to change and replace a worn-out lightbulb at this time of year. In these circumstances, we advise using a foldable step ladder, to help you achieve some extra height, safely!
As you can see, the kitchen step ladder plays an essential role in many household jobs – and even more so over the festive season. If you’ve not already got one, then we’ve got a wide range of sturdy, reliable and affordable step ladders available to suit all budgets. Take a look here or give a member of our team a call on 01282 615 517.